Team SAY Q&A – Esme Webb

We spoke to Esme Webb, who runs our mystery shopping service, hereSAY which helps operators gain an in-depth understanding of their BTR schemes through a team of shoppers who answer over 100 questions on a development. 

This is what she had to say… 

1.        If you could sum up working at SAY in one sentence, what would it be?  

SAY is a business genuinely trying to do the best for its clients at all times, where honesty and expertise come first. That ethos is reflected in the lovely team who are a pleasure to work with every day.  

2.       What’s your area of expertise within SAY?  

 I primarily focus on running hereSAY, SAY’s mystery shopping service that helps operators understand the quality of their lead to lease journey. I’ve been developing this service since I started at SAY so have a great depth of understanding on how our clients can improve their customer experience.  

3.       What are some current trends you are seeing from clients approaching you?  

Our clients are recognising that they need to train and retain their top talent to remain competitive in the market. Doing so has a huge impact on the overall quality of the experience they deliver to tenants at every stage of the customer journey.  

We are also seeing more clients who want to understand how they can integrate ESG into the lived experience. As more potential customers become interested in ESG, it will be important that BTR operators can demonstrate tangible rather than performative actions.   

4.       What initially drew you into the industry?  

I’ve always been interested in people and how they live and studied Sociology at University as a result. When I graduated I worked on the property side of a hotel start-up, developing the business from a team of two to a team of 22 as the Head of Operations. I loved building the processes, seeing the team grow and being a bit of a generalist. After 5 years, I wanted a fresh challenge, and I could see the huge gap in the market for a service like hereSAY – it combines my interest in property, research, and people! 

5.       What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given about your career?  

 “It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert so don’t worry about what you don’t know now, be patient and persistent and focus on how to get the knowledge you need.”

6.       What advice would you give future generations wanting to get into the industry?  

The industry is so broad and full of a diverse range of people, so give yourself the opportunity to try a bit of everything and learn from as many people as possible. 

If you want to find out more about hereSAY, visit the webpage here,

If you want to find out more about the 22/23 hereSAY benchmark report, contact Esme at